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Kindergarten Handbook

Kindergarten Handbook  

Kindergarten Handbook

Our Most Asked Questions  

1.     What basic skills will be taught in K5?


·        Recognition of all letters (in and out of sequence)

·        The correct formation of all letters and numbers

·        The most common sound of each letter

·        Rhyming words

·        Short vowel sounds and long vowel sounds

·        Recognition of 100+ high frequency words

·        The blending of sounds to form words

·        Identifying periods and question marks and knowing how to use them

·        Writing sentences

·        Beginning reading and comprehension skills

·        The recognition and use of numbers

·        Recognizing and writing numbers 1 to 100

·        Simple addition and subtraction facts


STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Math


2.     What teaching materials will be used?


·        A BEKA Book Reading Program

·        Scott Foresman Reading Program

·        Houghton Mifflin Mathematics

·        EARS – Listening Comprehension Program



3.     What do you expect my child to be able to do now?


·        Sit quietly and listen to group instructions for short periods of time

·        Remember simple instructions and follow them carefully

·        “Stay on task” and complete a short activity

·        Wait his/her turn

·        Write his/her name

·        Recognize most letters and numbers 1-10

·        Hold and use a pencil correctly





4.     How will I know how my child is progressing with his/her



Classroom work will be evaluated and sent home in your child’s folder. It is very important that you remove and review your child’s work. It is a good idea to keep the old work papers so you can use them for practice and review.  Also, progress reports and report cards will be sent home every 4 1/2 weeks.


5.     What time does my child need to be at school?


For those of you who must bring your child to school early, the building will open at 7:45. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CHILD IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING UNATTENDED! PLEASE WAIT WITH YOUR CHILD UNTIL THE TEACHER OPENS THE FRONT DOORS.


Class begins promptly at 8:15! Your child needs to have time to turn in his/her folder and use the restroom before the 8:15 bell! If your child arrives at school late, you must go to the main office and sign him/her in and walk your child into their classroom.


6.     When and where do I pick up my child?


         3:00   ----------------------------Drive through the K5 driveway

         Parents that are after 3:15 must pick up their child from the  


       After school care -until 5:30- Pick up inside the K3/K4 building


7.     What if I need to pick up early?


If you know that you will be picking up your child early, it is helpful if you send a note to let us know. You will also need to go by the office and sign your child out. The office will call us and let us know that you are coming to pick up your child.







8.     What if my child is going home with a friend or someone different is picking him/her up?


You must send a note to the teacher or call the school! We can not let your child go home with someone different unless we have permission from you!


We also ask that you let the teacher know if there is a special situation in which someone should never pick up your child.



9.     How are behavior problems handled?


Appropriate classroom behavior is reinforced with various rewards and special recognition. Misbehavior is discouraged by the loss of privileges and by giving the child “TIME OUT” at recess.

We prefer to handle most minor behavior problems at school. However, if your child receives “frowny” face repeatedly on the daily behavior report sheet, we will send home a note.



        10. What are the classroom rules?


·        Listen carefully.

·        Follow directions.

·        Work quietly. Do not disturb others.

·        Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions.

·        Respect school and personal property.

·        Work and play safely.

·        “Stay on task” and complete work in the allotted time.


        11. What if I need to talk to my child’s teacher?  


               It is best to contact the teacher at school.

              The school number is 924-4406.







12.    What should my child bring to school each day?


·        His/her book bag

·        Black Folder

(Please put all notes, homework and money in this folder. It is very important to label all money sent in an envelope.)


13.    What do I need to do if my child needs to take medication at



             Send medicine in a zip lock bag with complete instructions and a

             plastic spoon. Make sure your child’s name is visible. Send only

             what is needed at school that day, please do not send the entire

             bottle. Please explain to the teacher if your child is taking

             medication daily.


14.    What things are not allowed at school?


DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO BRING TOYS, JEWELRY, POCKETBOOKS OR MONEY. (All money for the school should be sent labeled in your child’s folder.)


15.    What is the routine for snack time?

Snack is planned and purchased by the teachers. This fee

was included in your child’s tuition this year.

Your child may bring their own water bottle to school each day. 


16.    What is the procedure for lunch?


Kindergarten students will have lunch in the lunchroom at 11:20.

Your child may:

·        Bring lunch with a drink

·        Bring lunch and buy milk  or water 


·        Buy a complete hot lunch including drink from the lunchroom



-Kindergarten students do not buy ice cream or cookies.  This is a first grade priviledge.




17.    May I bring refreshments for the class on my child’s birthday?


                 Yes! Birthdays are very exciting for the children and we enjoy

                sharing in their celebration. Birthdays are celebrated during

                 snack time. Contact the teacher as your child’s birthday nears.



Dear Parents,


We are glad you came today. It is going to be a great year! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to teach your child.




                                                         Southland K5 Teachers