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Spanish III Course 19-20


Course Overview: Spanish III 2016-17

Southland Academy     www.southlandacademy.org

Señora Donna Law   dlaw@southlandacademy.org


Course Description           Textbooks: Paso a Paso III and Spanish for Mastery III

Textbook website:   www.pasoapaso.com


Spanish III is a broadened view of the themes from Paso a Paso I & II. The main difference between Level III and the previous courses is the emphasis on the student creating his own understanding of new concepts and ideas and not solely through memorization. Students will be encouraged to use their new knowledge through course assignments, class discussion and student projects.

Because a person can only become proficient / more fluent in a language when he uses it on a daily basis, the Spanish III classroom will become a “Spanish Zone”! When the students enter the classroom, the teacher will teach and give instructions in Spanish and the students will speak to the teacher and to one another in Spanish. Some instruction such as grammar may be in English, but a majority of the time Spanish will be spoken. As time passes this becomes easier and is extremely beneficial to the students. I do not expect the students to be perfect, but I do expect them to try.


Compound verb tenses will be taught so that the ability to express ideas will be broadened. This year each student will be required to keep a daily written journal in Spanish to increase independent thought and expression and not just memorization. This journal will be turned in periodically for a grade. Within the journal students are expected to incorporate vocabulary (new and previously learned) as well as the new verb tenses.


Course themes: An in-depth look at ourselves and others around us, Hispanic art/artists, Maya civilization, foods, short stories, Hispanic literary work / novel (Lazarillo de Tormes)
Autobiographical presentation, Power Point project of Hispanic artist, a daily journal, skits, literature/poetry selections


Make-up Work

= If a student is absent one day, he should make up any work missed within one day of his return. The student will be expected to take any previously-announced tests or quizzes on the date scheduled by the teacher.

= If a student is absent 2-3 days, all work should be made up within one week after the student returns to school.

= If a student has extended absences (4 or more days), the student should make arrangements with individual teachers to make up missed work.

It is the responsibility of the student to make up work within the time allowed.

If this is not done, the student will receive a zero in all work missed.

 Evaluations and Grading

Evaluations (Tests)

Regular written evaluations (tests) and oral evaluations will be given in order to determine if the materials covered have been retained or not. Assigned projects will count as test grades. The test average will count 60% of the student’s grade.

Daily Work/Quizzes
This will consist of classroom participation, homework, class work, and quizzes (both announced and unannounced). Quiz grades will count 25% of the student’s average and daily grades will each count 15% of the average.


Academic Integrity – Honor Code Violation   Any form of academic dishonesty, such as sharing work, looking on another’s paper, tampering with grades, etc., will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.


Course Information - Website

Course information for the class will be posted on the Southland website www.southlandacademy.org so that students and parents can access assignments, forms, and other relevant material.


Additional Help / Tutoring

If your child is having problems in this class and could benefit from my additional help by coming for tutoring either before or after school or during my free period, I will talk to them about making arrangements to come. It is their choice – I do not require this. At times it may be necessary to contact you in regards to your child’s progress. Please include an e-mail address or phone number where you can be reached should I need to confer with you.


Contacting the Teacher   If a parent(s) need to contact me for any reason, please call the school office at 924-4406 and leave a message for me. I will return your call as soon as possible. You can also e-mail me at the school (dlaw@southlandacademy.org). If you would like to set up a conference with me, please contact the school counselor, Mrs. Carol Burrell, to do so.