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9th Grade Boys Health  

Health Course Syllabus


Course Name:    Health

Year:    2020-2021

Textbook:   Glencoe Health

Publisher:   McGraw Hill

Copyright:   2004

Author(s):      Mary Bronson Merki, Don Merki

Grade Level:     9

Course Credit:      .5 Unit

Course Description: This class will inform, guide, and encourage teens to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle and practice behaviors that will enhance their well-being and safety throughout not only their teen years, but also their lives.


Unit 1:

1.     Living a Healthy Life

2.     Building Health Skills and Character

3.     Being a Health-Literate Consumer

Unit 2:

1.     Physical Activity for Life

2.     Nutrition for Your Health

3.     Managing Body Weight and Composition

Unit 4:

1.     Skills for Healthy Relationships, Family Relationships, Peer Relationships







Unit 5:

1.     Personal Care and Healthy Behaviors

2.     Skeletal, Muscular, and Nervous Systems

3.     Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

4.     Digestive and Urinary Systems

5.     Endocrine and Reproductive Systems


Unit 7:

1.     Tobacco

2.     Alcohol

3.     Medicines and Drugs

7th Grade Life Science Syllabus  

Life Science Syllabus 2020-2021

Instructor: Mr. Hicks               Room: 305       Lab: 807         E-mail:           School Website:


Course Description: Life Science is a 7th grade course that provides students with the opportunity to learn about the study of living things. In this course students will explore and use science processing skills to discover science concepts. Within the study of life science, students will examine concepts from cell biology, genetics, evolution, earth and life history, the structure and function of living systems, as well as physical principles of living systems. The students will learn about environmental and global issues which affect our world. Emphasis will be placed on skill development to provide students with the basic tools they need to be successful in the course. Students will apply and sharpen their inquiry and questioning abilities by performing a variety of investigations. Academic rigor will be emphasized in all aspects of the curriculum. Most importantly, students will learn how these topics relate to each other and apply this knowledge to the world outside of school.

Textbook: Life iScience, Glencoe

Students are responsible for full replacement cost for lost or damaged books. This cost is $95 for the textbook.

Grading Policy:

Quarter Grade Average:

40% Quizzes, and Chapter Tests

40% Daily Grades, and Major Labs

20% Quarterly Exams

**In the event of complete distance learning, grading percentages MAY


Class Policies: Good attendance and class participation are a must in order to succeed in life science. Students are expected to be prepared for class every day. This means the students should have all necessary supplies for completing classroom assignments. Failure to be prepared will result in break detention. If the problem continues parents will be contacted and further actions will be taken.

Students will be expected to keep an organized journal for each quarter. All notes, reading assignments, graded materials, vocabulary, diagrams, homework and practice assignments will be kept in their journals. This will allow for all necessary information to be accessible in class and at home every day. Students will be given daily grades for discussion and class participation. In order for students to be prepared for class they should read, review notes, and study the night before. Study should focus on understanding the how and why of concepts presented in class. Students are also expected to listen diligently and take good notes. Participating in class makes studying much easier for the students as they are more likely to remember ideas and concepts they have discussed with the teacher and classmates. Simply memorizing facts is not a successful strategy for learning. Again, students should study to understand ideas and concepts, apply knowledge, and analyze data. Students should prepare and be able to answer how/why, compare/contrast, and describe/explain type questions.

It is each student’s responsibility to find out what assignments are missed during an absence and to make plans to complete those assignments in a timely fashion (including tests, quizzes, writings, and labs). Missed test must be made up during your study hall or after school within the time allowed. If you are absent during a lab you must make special arrangements to come in before or after school to make up the lab or to get an alternative assignment.


** A student in need of the home bound option must set this up through

the school by contacting Mrs. Terry Collins.  





Daily Supplies:

Students will be expected to have all of these materials in class with them and be in their seat ready to work when the bell rings! If you do not bring needed materials to class you will be sent to your locker to get them and will also receive a tardy if you are not in the room when the bell rings.

  • Composition Notebook
  • Pencil or pen (blue or black only)
  • Textbook


I have read and am aware of the expectations for success in Life Science for the 2020-2021 year. This includes all policies and lab safety precautions.

Keep this taped in the front of your journal at all times as it may be altered or referenced during the semester.

*Reminder: Students will have some form of homework every night. If not a written assignment, then it is understood students should use their time to review notes and re-read past readings.


** A student in need of the home bound option must set this up through the school by contacting Mrs. Terry Collins.